8 best indoor games for your child’s mental growth

Priyanka Chowdhury
4 min readJan 29, 2022

“All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy. “

With the pandemic hitting us hard, we are all confined indoors. These such days, it is unsafe to let your child out and play around. However, to stimulate your baby’s mental growth, it is important to engage them in games, that are both fun and constructive. To help you choose the best, here is list of games that will make your time more enjoyable with your child.

1. Memory game:

This game is all about boosting your child’s memory. Memory game can be played in a number of ways. The key is to keep him focused throughout. Name or show him a few objects and ask him to list them down, remembering all of them. This game can also be used an effective teaching method and help your child learn about different objects.

Photo from curiousworld.com

2. Word building:

Making out a meaningful word from a jumbled group of letters- not only amplifies your child’s analytical skills but also builds up their vocabulary. This game urges them to think and reconstruct words in their mind, hence improving their patience and brain function.

Photo from bilingualkidspot.com

3. Chess:

Chess, is undoubtedly, one of the best indoor games to stimulate your child’s brain power. It will teach them make a planned, strategic move. It increases your child’s patience and thinking skills.

Photo from istockphoto.com

4. Active listening:

Active listening is all about making your child sit and listen patiently to some context. Read them out a story or a poem and quiz them on small questions- this will help your kids develop a sound listening mind and will also channel their focus on a particular topic.

Photo from oxfordlearning.com

5. Crossword puzzle:

Crossword puzzle helps in developing their visualisation, related to brain function by finding the correct words. This word-hunting game boosts your child’s vocabulary and gives him an idea on vertical and horizontal alignment.

Photo from pinterest.com

6. Building blocks:

What can be a better way to test your child’s engineering skills than leaving him with his toolbox? A playful making of objects with Lego pieces makes your child think and enhance his designing skills. It lets out his innovative mind and improves his building and fixing abilities.

Photo from firstcry.com

7. Treasure hunt:

Hide an object somewhere away from your kid and let him find it out. A fun-filled game, this will initiate both mental and physical activity. This game empowers the thinking and investigating ability of your child by making him consider all the possibilities.

Photo from thespruce.com

8. Play dough:

Giving your child a dough of clay and letting him unleash his imagination on it, is the one of the best ways to bring out your child’s innovativeness. You can also give him a list of objects to make, and test your child’s cognitive mind.

Photo from lifeovercs.com

This games not only revitalizes your child’s mental growth but also makes your time with your child more fun and enjoyable. It makes your time with your kid constructive and keeps them away from the virtual world that children get easily addicted to these days. So, without a wait, indulge in these fun activities make the most of your time with your child.


