9 ways to motivate yourself in depressing time

Priyanka Chowdhury
4 min readMar 7, 2022

With speed button of our lives being turned up, it is not very uncommon for a person to be affected by pressing situations and experiences. Prolonged period of exposure to traumatic events might led a person into a medically confirmed psychological ailment- depression.

Depression- though the term known to the world population, many people are still not aware of its symptoms and consequences. Depression can be chronic, or may be a one-time situation caused due to illness or traumatic life events. Usually, symptoms include restlessness, insomnia (or hypersomnia to some extent), hunger or lack of appetite, lack of concentration, poor self -image, suicidal thoughts.

Note: Clinical depression is a serious issue that should be treated with medical consultation. In case of suicidal thoughts approaching your mind, do consult your doctor or take medical advice from helpline number: 1–800–273-TALK (8255).

In case you are bothered by some unpleasant life events, that seem to push you into the abyss of low self-esteem and lowers your self- confidence, here are some tips that might boost you up for your coming days.

1. Get out of bed:

Start with step one. Feeling low can make it difficult for you to even start your day. Gather up your strengths and pull yourself out of your bed. Get out of your pajamas and freshen up. Start your day with a deep breath. A positive start to your day increases your confidence and self-esteem.

Image from istockphoto.com

2. Go out and refresh yourself:

Starting your day with some physical exercise boosts up your level of endorphins — a good hormone that triggers a positive feeling in the body. A 40-minute workout, be it walking, running or other physical activities, for five days a week keeps you energized and confident.

Image from unsplash.com

3. Plan out your day:

Having huge pile of work at your table seems intimidating. Hence, organizing your daily tasks helps to keep you motivated and focused. Break a long chain of task into small parts and move towards finishing one at a time. This method is also effective for proper time management.

Image from boxpromag.com

4. Avoid junks, eat healthy:

A healthy diet keeps you both mentally and physically fit. A balanced diet balances your nutrients as well as your hormones. Let fresh fruits and vegetables dominate your diet.

It is also important to stay hydrated. A well-maintained body makes you feel good and confident.

Image from eatthis.com

5. Indulge in your favourite hobby:

Remember the line — ‘All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy’. Give yourself a break. Grab your favourite novel, colours and paint brushes or plug in your earphones or rush out to the playground to play your favourite sport. In short, relax and revive yourself with your hobbies.

Image from theheathsite.com

6. Socialize (if you want to):

Meeting or talking to your favourite group of people triggers a sense of relaxation in your mind. A pleasant chat can re-freshen you up and keep away all toxic thoughts that might otherwise infiltrate your mind.

However, if you are an introvert, and is not willing to socialize, don’t force yourself into it. Take out some me-time from your routine and explore yourself.

Image from goodencentre.org

7. Serve the needy:

This might not be a formulated tip, but it truly works for depressed mind. A noble deed, it brings a smile on both the giver and the receiver’s face. Helping others in need always triggers a sudden rush of happiness and creates memories that remain etched in your heart and mind forever.

Image from stock.adobe.com

8. Get your beauty sleep:

It is important to have adequate rest after your long day’s work. A tired brain calls for a peaceful night’s sleep to revive itself for the next day. A 6–7 hour long sleep rejuvenates your brain cells, releases them of all the load they have the entire day and boosts up your mind power.

Image from medicalnewstoday.com

9. Remember- ‘you can do this’:

No matter how tough a situation you are in, remember that confidence and perseverance is the key. Believe in yourself and come out of any shell that is holding you back. Love yourself. Appreciate yourself. A clean, positive mind is sure to be followed by success soon.

Image from anastaffe.com

Good Luck!!

